
class gdstk.RobustPath(initial_point, width, offset=0, ends='flush', tolerance=1e-2, max_evals=1000, simple_path=False, scale_width=True, layer=0, datatype=0)

Robust path creation.

RobusPath can be used to create single and multiple parallel paths with parametrized widths and offsets. End caps can be customized freely. Intersections between adjacent sections are numerically determined so that curved sections do not need to be joined smoothly.

  • initial_point (coordinate pair or complex) – Starting point of the path.

  • width (number or sequence) – Width of the paths. If this is a sequence, its length defines the number of paths created.

  • offset (number or sequence) – If this is a number, it is treated as the distance between centers of adjacent paths. If it is a sequence, each number represents the absolute offset from the center of the path.

  • ends – Definition for the end caps. One of “flush”, “extended”, “round”, “smooth”, a 2-tuple, or a callable. A 2-tuple defines the extension length on both ends of the path. A callable must accept 4 arguments (cap end point and direction for both path sides) and return a sequence of points that define the cap shape.

  • tolerance – Tolerance used for calculating the polygonal approximation of the paths.

  • max_evals – Maximal number of path evaluations per section. Used for intersection finding at joins and to create the polygonal approximation for each section.

  • simple_path – If True, the paths will be stored as GDSII path elements. They require less memory, but do not support “smooth” or callable joins and end caps, or width changes along the path.

  • scale_width – If False, the path widths are not scaled when transforming this path.

  • layer – layer number assigned to this path.

  • datatype – data type number assigned to this path.


If width is a number and offset a sequence, the number of parallel paths is defined by the latter.

Arguments ends, layer, and datatype can also be lists with one definition for each path created.


>>> fpath = gdstk.FlexPath((0, 0), 0.5, tolerance=1e-3)
>>> fpath.arc(1, 0, numpy.pi/2)
>>> fpath.arc(1, 0, -numpy.pi/2)
>>> rpath = gdstk.RobustPath((3, 0), 0.5, tolerance=1e-3)
>>> rpath.arc(1, 0, numpy.pi/2)
>>> rpath.arc(1, 0, -numpy.pi/2)
>>> path = gdstk.RobustPath((0, 0),
...     [0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8],
...     1.0,
...     ends=["flush", "extended", (0.4, 0.8), "round"],
...     tolerance=1e-3,
...     layer=[0, 1, 2, 3],
... )
>>> path.horizontal(5)



Create new robustpaths based on this object's repetition attribute.

arc(radius, initial_angle, final_angle[, ...])

Append an elliptical arc to this path.

bezier(xy[, width, offset, relative])

Append a Bézier curve to this path.


Append sections to this path according to commands.


Create a copy this robustpath.

cubic(xy[, width, offset, relative])

Append a cubic Bézier curve to this path.

cubic_smooth(xy[, width, offset, relative])

Append a smooth cubic Bézier curve to this path.


Delete a GDSII property of this element.


Delete the first property of this element matching a name.


Return a GDSII property of this element.


Return the values of the first property of this element matching a name.

gradient(u[, from_below])

Calculate the gradient of this path.

horizontal(x[, width, offset, relative])

Append a horizontal segment to this path.

interpolation(points[, angles, tension_in, ...])

Append a smooth interpolating curve through the given points.

mirror(p1[, p2])

Mirror this path across the line through p1 and p2.

offsets(u[, from_below])

Calculate the offset of this path.

parametric(path_function[, path_gradient, ...])

Append a parametric curve to this path.


Central spines of each parallel path.

position(u[, from_below])

Calculate the position of this path.

quadratic(xy[, width, offset, relative])

Append a quadratic Bézier curve to this path.

quadratic_smooth(xy[, width, offset, relative])

Append a smooth quadratic Bézier curve to this path.

rotate(angle[, center])

Rotate this path.

scale(s[, center])

Scale this path.

segment(xy[, width, offset, relative])

Append a straight segment to this path.


Set the datatypes for all paths.


Set the end types for all paths.

set_gds_property(attr, value)

Set a GDSII property for this element.


Set the layers for all paths.

set_property(name, value)

Set a property for this element.


Central path spine.


Calculate the polygonal representations of this path.

translate(dx[, dy])

Translate this path.

turn(radius, angle[, width, offset])

Append a circular turn to this path.

vertical(y[, width, offset, relative])

Append a vertical segment to this path.

widths(u[, from_below])

Calculate the width of this path.



RobustPath data type.


End types for each path.


RobustPath layer.


Maximal number of path evaluations per section.


Number of paths.


Properties of this element.


Repetition associated with this element.


Scale width flag.


Simple path flag.


Number of sections in this path.


Path tolerance.

apply_repetition() list

Create new robustpaths based on this object’s repetition attribute.

After the repetition is applied, the original attribute is set to None.


Newly created objects.

arc(radius, initial_angle, final_angle, rotation=0, width=None, offset=None) self

Append an elliptical arc to this path.

  • radius (number or sequence[2]) – Circular arc radius or elliptical arc radii.

  • initial_angle – Starting angle (in radians).

  • final_angle – Ending angle (in radians).

  • rotation – Arc rotation.

  • width (number, tuple, or callable) – Width of this section. A tuple of 2 elements (number, str) can be used to define the width value and the interpolation type from the previous section to the end point (“constant”, “linear”, or “smooth”). If only a number is used, the interpolation defaults to “linear”. A callable must accept a single number from 0 to 1 and return the desired width at the corresponding position along the section.

  • offset (number, tuple, or callable) – Offset from the central path position. A tuple or callable can be used as in width.


>>> path = gdstk.FlexPath((0, 0), [0.2, 0.3], 0.4, tolerance=1e-3)
>>> path.vertical(5)
>>> path.arc(2.5, numpy.pi, 0)
>>> path.arc((3, 5), -numpy.pi, -numpy.pi / 2)
bezier(xy, width=None, offset=None, relative=False) self

Append a Bézier curve to this path.

  • xy (sequence of points) – Control points for the Bézier. Each point can be a coordinate pair or a complex.

  • width (number, tuple, or callable) – Width of this section. A tuple of 2 elements (number, str) can be used to define the width value and the interpolation type from the previous section to the end point (“constant”, “linear”, or “smooth”). If only a number is used, the interpolation defaults to “linear”. A callable must accept a single number from 0 to 1 and return the desired width at the corresponding position along the section.

  • offset (number, tuple, or callable) – Offset from the central path position. A tuple or callable can be used as in width.

  • relative – If True, coordinates are relative to the last point.


Arguments width and offset can also be lists with one definition for each path.

If offset is a single number or tuple, it is treated as the distance between adjacent paths.


>>> path = gdstk.RobustPath((0, 0), 0.2, tolerance=1e-3)
>>> path.bezier(
...     [(4, 1), (4, 3), (0, 5), (-4, 3), (-4, -2), (0, -4)],
...     width=lambda u: 0.2 + 0.8 * u ** 2,
... )
commands(path_commands...) self

Append sections to this path according to commands.

Commands are single characters followed by a pre-defined number of numerical arguments, according to the table below:





Line segment

x, y


Horizontal segment



Vertical segment



Cubic Bézier

x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2


Smooth cubic Bézier

x0, y0, x1, y1


Quadratic Bézier

x0, y0, x1, y1


Smooth quadratic Bézier

x, y


Circular turn

rad, ang


Circular arc

rad, ang0, ang1


Elliptical arc

rad0, rad1, ang0, ang1, rot

Uppercase commands assume that coordinates are absolute, whereas the lowercase versions assume they are relative to the previous endpoint.


The meaning and order of the arguments of all commands are identical to the corresponding method.


>>> path = gdstk.RobustPath((0, 0), [0.2, 0.4, 0.2], 0.5,
...                         tolerance=1e-3)
>>> path.commands("l", 3, 4,
...               "A", 2, numpy.arctan2(3, -4), numpy.pi / 2,
...               "h", 0.5,
...               "a", 3, -numpy.pi)
copy() gdstk.RobustPath

Create a copy this robustpath.


Copy of this robustpath.

cubic(xy, width=None, offset=None, relative=False) self

Append a cubic Bézier curve to this path.

  • xy (sequence of 3 points) – Control points and end point for the Bézier. Each point can be a coordinate pair or a complex.

  • width (number, tuple, or callable) – Width of this section. A tuple of 2 elements (number, str) can be used to define the width value and the interpolation type from the previous section to the end point (“constant”, “linear”, or “smooth”). If only a number is used, the interpolation defaults to “linear”. A callable must accept a single number from 0 to 1 and return the desired width at the corresponding position along the section.

  • offset (number, tuple, or callable) – Offset from the central path position. A tuple or callable can be used as in width.

  • relative – If True, coordinates are relative to the last point.


Arguments width and offset can also be lists with one definition for each path.

If offset is a single number or tuple, it is treated as the distance between adjacent paths.


>>> path = gdstk.RobustPath((0, 0), 0.2, tolerance=1e-3)
>>> path.cubic([(0.5, 0.8), (0.5, 2.2), (0, 3)])
>>> path.cubic([(0.8, -0.5), (2.2, -0.5), (3, 0)], relative=True)
>>> path.cubic([(-0.5, -0.8), (-0.5, -2.2), (0, -3)], relative=True)
cubic_smooth(xy, width=None, offset=None, relative=False) self

Append a smooth cubic Bézier curve to this path.

The first control point of the Bézier is such that the gradient of the path is continuous.

  • xy (sequence of 2 points) – Second control point and end point for the Bézier. Each can be a coordinate pair or a complex.

  • width (number, tuple, or callable) – Width of this section. A tuple of 2 elements (number, str) can be used to define the width value and the interpolation type from the previous section to the end point (“constant”, “linear”, or “smooth”). If only a number is used, the interpolation defaults to “linear”. A callable must accept a single number from 0 to 1 and return the desired width at the corresponding position along the section.

  • offset (number, tuple, or callable) – Offset from the central path position. A tuple or callable can be used as in width.

  • relative – If True, coordinates are relative to the last point.


Arguments width and offset can also be lists with one definition for each path.

If offset is a single number or tuple, it is treated as the distance between adjacent paths.


>>> path = gdstk.RobustPath((0, 0), 0.2, tolerance=1e-3)
>>> path.cubic([(0.5, 0.8), (0.5, 2.2), (0, 3)])
>>> path.cubic_smooth([(3.5, 0.8), (3, 0)], relative=True)
>>> path.cubic_smooth([(-0.5, -2.2), (0, -3)], relative=True)

RobustPath data type.


This attribute is read-only.

delete_gds_property(attr) self

Delete a GDSII property of this element.


attr (number) – Property number.

delete_property(name) self

Delete the first property of this element matching a name.


name (str) – Property name.


End types for each path.


This attribute is read-only.

get_gds_property(attr) str

Return a GDSII property of this element.


attr (number) – Property number.


Property value. If the property number does not exist, None is returned.

Return type:

str or None

get_property(name) list

Return the values of the first property of this element matching a name.


name (str) – Property name.


List of property values. If no property is found, None is returned.

Return type:

list or None

gradient(u, from_below=True) numpy.ndarray

Calculate the gradient of this path.

  • u (number) – Where in the path to calculate the position. The value must be in the range 0 thru gdstk.RobustPath.size, inclusive.

  • from_below – If there is a discontinuity at u, use the value approaching from below.


The spine gradient of the path at u.

horizontal(x, width=None, offset=None, relative=False) self

Append a horizontal segment to this path.

  • x (number) – End point x coordinate.

  • width (number, tuple, or callable) – Width of this section. A tuple of 2 elements (number, str) can be used to define the width value and the interpolation type from the previous section to the end point (“constant”, “linear”, or “smooth”). If only a number is used, the interpolation defaults to “linear”. A callable must accept a single number from 0 to 1 and return the desired width at the corresponding position along the section.

  • offset (number, tuple, or callable) – Offset from the central path position. A tuple or callable can be used as in width.

  • relative – If True, coordinates are relative to the last point.


Arguments width and offset can also be lists with one definition for each path.

If offset is a single number or tuple, it is treated as the distance between adjacent paths.

interpolation(points, angles=None, tension_in=1, tension_out=1, initial_curl=1, final_curl=1, cycle=False, width=None, offset=None, relative=True) self

Append a smooth interpolating curve through the given points.

Use the Hobby algorithm [1] to calculate a smooth interpolating path made of cubic Bezier segments between each pair of points. Angle and tension parameters can be specified at each point, and the path can be open or closed.

  • points (sequence[N] of points) – Vertices in the interpolating path.

  • angles (None or sequence[N + 1]) – Tangent angles at each point (in radians). Angles defined as None are automatically calculated.

  • tension_in (number or sequence[N + 1]) – Tension parameter when arriving at each point. One value per point or a single value used for all points.

  • tension_out (number or sequence[N + 1]) – Tension parameter when leaving each point. One value per point or a single value used for all points.

  • initial_curl – Ratio between the mock curvatures at the first point and at its neighbor. A value of 1 renders the first segment a good approximation for a circular arc. A value of 0 will better approximate a straight segment. It has no effect for closed paths or when an angle is defined for the first point.

  • final_curl – Ratio between the mock curvatures at the last point and at its neighbor. It has no effect for closed paths or when an angle is defined for the first point.

  • cycle – If True, calculates control points for a closed path, with an additional segment connecting the first and last points.

  • width (number, tuple, or callable) – Width of this section. A tuple of 2 elements (number, str) can be used to define the width value and the interpolation type from the previous section to the end point (“constant”, “linear”, or “smooth”). If only a number is used, the interpolation defaults to “linear”. A callable must accept a single number from 0 to 1 and return the desired width at the corresponding position along the section.

  • offset (number, tuple, or callable) – Offset from the central path position. A tuple or callable can be used as in width.

  • relative – If True, coordinates are relative to the last point.


>>> half_pi = numpy.pi / 2
>>> points = [(4, 1), (4, 3), (0, 5), (-4, 3), (-4, -2), (0, -4)]
>>> angles = [half_pi, None, None, None, -half_pi, -half_pi, None]
>>> path_1 = gdstk.RobustPath((0, 0), 0.2, tolerance=1e-3)
>>> path_1.interpolation(points, cycle=True)
>>> path_2 = gdstk.RobustPath((6, -8), 0.2, tolerance=1e-3)
>>> path_2.interpolation(points, angles, cycle=True, relative=True)

RobustPath layer.


This attribute is read-only.


Maximal number of path evaluations per section.

mirror(p1, p2=(0, 0)) self

Mirror this path across the line through p1 and p2.

  • p1 (coordinate pair or complex) – First point in the mirror line.

  • p2 (coordinate pair or complex) – Second point in the mirror line.


Number of paths.


This attribute is read-only.

offsets(u, from_below=True) numpy.ndarray

Calculate the offset of this path.

  • u (number) – Where in the path to calculate the width. The value must be in the range 0 thru gdstk.RobustPath.size, inclusive.

  • from_below – If there is a discontinuity at u, use the value approaching from below.


The offsets of each path at u.

parametric(path_function, path_gradient=None, width=None, offset=None, relative=True) self

Append a parametric curve to this path.

  • path_function (callable) – Function that defines the path. Must be a function of one argument (that varies from 0 to 1) that returns a 2-element sequence or complex with the coordinates of the path.

  • path_gradient (callable) – Function that returns the path gradient. Must be a function of one argument (that varies from 0 to 1) that returns a 2-element sequence or complex with the gradient.

  • width (number, tuple, or callable) – Width of this section. A tuple of 2 elements (number, str) can be used to define the width value and the interpolation type from the previous section to the end point (“constant”, “linear”, or “smooth”). If only a number is used, the interpolation defaults to “linear”. A callable must accept a single number from 0 to 1 and return the desired width at the corresponding position along the section.

  • offset (number, tuple, or callable) – Offset from the central path position. A tuple or callable can be used as in width.

  • relative – If True, the return values of path_function are used as offsets from the current path position, i.e., to ensure a continuous path, path_function(0) must be (0, 0). Otherwise, they are used as absolute coordinates.


>>> def spiral(u):
...    rad = 2 * u ** 0.5
...    ang = 3 * numpy.pi * u
...    return (rad * numpy.cos(ang), rad * numpy.sin(ang))
>>> path = gdstk.RobustPath((0, 0), 0.2, tolerance=1e-3)
>>> path.parametric(spiral, width=lambda u: 0.2 + 0.6 * u ** 2)
path_spines() list

Central spines of each parallel path.


Copy of the points that make up each parallel path.

position(u, from_below=True) numpy.ndarray

Calculate the position of this path.

  • u (number) – Where in the path to calculate the position. The value must be in the range 0 thru gdstk.RobustPath.size, inclusive.

  • from_below – If there is a discontinuity at u, use the value approaching from below.


The spine position of the path at u.


Properties of this element.

Properties are represented as a list of lists, each containing the property name followed by its values.

quadratic(xy, width=None, offset=None, relative=False) self

Append a quadratic Bézier curve to this path.

  • xy (sequence of 2 points) – Control point and end point for the Bézier. Each point can be a coordinate pair or a complex.

  • width (number, tuple, or callable) – Width of this section. A tuple of 2 elements (number, str) can be used to define the width value and the interpolation type from the previous section to the end point (“constant”, “linear”, or “smooth”). If only a number is used, the interpolation defaults to “linear”. A callable must accept a single number from 0 to 1 and return the desired width at the corresponding position along the section.

  • offset (number, tuple, or callable) – Offset from the central path position. A tuple or callable can be used as in width.

  • relative – If True, coordinates are relative to the last point.


Arguments width and offset can also be lists with one definition for each path.

If offset is a single number or tuple, it is treated as the distance between adjacent paths.

quadratic_smooth(xy, width=None, offset=None, relative=False) self

Append a smooth quadratic Bézier curve to this path.

The control point of the Bézier is such that the gradient of the path is continuous.

  • xy (coordinate pair or complex) – End point for the Bézier.

  • width (number, tuple, or callable) – Width of this section. A tuple of 2 elements (number, str) can be used to define the width value and the interpolation type from the previous section to the end point (“constant”, “linear”, or “smooth”). If only a number is used, the interpolation defaults to “linear”. A callable must accept a single number from 0 to 1 and return the desired width at the corresponding position along the section.

  • offset (number, tuple, or callable) – Offset from the central path position. A tuple or callable can be used as in width.

  • relative – If True, coordinates are relative to the last point.


Arguments width and offset can also be lists with one definition for each path.

If offset is a single number or tuple, it is treated as the distance between adjacent paths.


Repetition associated with this element.

rotate(angle, center=(0, 0)) self

Rotate this path.

  • angle – Rotation angle (in radians).

  • center (coordinate pair or complex) – Center of the transformation.

scale(s, center=(0, 0)) self

Scale this path.

  • s – Scaling factor.

  • center (coordinate pair or complex) – Center of the transformation.


Scale width flag.

segment(xy, width=None, offset=None, relative=False) self

Append a straight segment to this path.

  • xy (coordinate pair or complex) – Segment end point.

  • width (number, tuple, or callable) – Width of this section. A tuple of 2 elements (number, str) can be used to define the width value and the interpolation type from the previous section to the end point (“constant”, “linear”, or “smooth”). If only a number is used, the interpolation defaults to “linear”. A callable must accept a single number from 0 to 1 and return the desired width at the corresponding position along the section.

  • offset (number, tuple, or callable) – Offset from the central path position. A tuple or callable can be used as in width.

  • relative – If True, coordinates are relative to the last point.


Arguments width and offset can also be lists with one definition for each path.

If offset is a single number or tuple, it is treated as the distance between adjacent paths.


>>> path = gdstk.RobustPath((0, 0), 0.2, tolerance=1e-3)
>>> path.segment((5, 0), 1.0)
>>> path.segment((5, 3), (0.2, "constant"))
>>> path.segment((0, 3), (1.2, "smooth"))
>>> path.segment(
...     (0, 7),
...     lambda u: 0.2 + 0.8 * numpy.cos(2 * numpy.pi * u) ** 2
... )
>>> path = gdstk.RobustPath((0, 0), [0.2, 0.2], 0.3, tolerance=1e-3)
>>> path.segment((5, 0), offset=0.8)
>>> path.segment((5, 3), offset=(0.3, "constant"))
>>> path.segment((0, 3), offset=(1.0, "smooth"))
>>> path.segment((0, 7), offset=[
...     lambda u: -0.2 - 0.8 * numpy.cos(2 * numpy.pi * u) ** 2,
...     lambda u: 0.2 + 0.8 * numpy.cos(2 * numpy.pi * u) ** 2
... ])
set_datatypes(*datatypes) self

Set the datatypes for all paths.


datatypes – data type numbers for all paths.

set_ends(*ends) self

Set the end types for all paths.


ends – Sequence of “flush”, “extended”, “round”, “smooth”, a 2-tuple, or a callable.

See also


set_gds_property(attr, value) self

Set a GDSII property for this element.

GDSII properties are stored under the special name “S_GDS_PROPERTY”, as defined by the OASIS specification.

  • attr (number) – Property number.

  • value (str) – Property value.

set_layers(*layers) self

Set the layers for all paths.


layers – layer numbers for all paths.

set_property(name, value) self

Set a property for this element.

The property name does not have to be unique. Multiple properties can have the same name.

  • name (str) – Property name.

  • value (str, bytes, number, or sequence of those) – Values associated with the property.


These properties can be used to associate custom metadata with an element, but general properties are not supported by GDSII files, only OASIS. Use the specific methods to access GDSII properties.


Simple path flag.


Number of sections in this path.


This attribute is read-only.

spine() numpy.ndarray

Central path spine.


Copy of the points that make up the path at zero offset.

to_polygons() list

Calculate the polygonal representations of this path.


The polygonal contours defined by this path.


Path tolerance.

translate(dx, dy=None) self

Translate this path.

  • dx – Translation in the x coordinate or translation vector.

  • dy – Translation in the y coordinate.

turn(radius, angle, width=None, offset=None) self

Append a circular turn to this path.

  • radius – Circular arc radius.

  • angle – Turning angle. Positive values turn counter clockwise and negative values, clockwise.

  • width (number or sequence) – Width at the end point(s). If this is a sequence, it must define the width for each path. The width is linearly tapered from its previous value.

  • offset (number or sequence) – If this is a number, it is treated as the distance between centers of adjacent paths. If it is a sequence, each number represents the absolute offset from the center of the path. The offsets are linearly tapered from their previous values.

vertical(y, width=None, offset=None, relative=False) self

Append a vertical segment to this path.

  • y (number) – End point x coordinate.

  • width (number, tuple, or callable) – Width of this section. A tuple of 2 elements (number, str) can be used to define the width value and the interpolation type from the previous section to the end point (“constant”, “linear”, or “smooth”). If only a number is used, the interpolation defaults to “linear”. A callable must accept a single number from 0 to 1 and return the desired width at the corresponding position along the section.

  • offset (number, tuple, or callable) – Offset from the central path position. A tuple or callable can be used as in width.

  • relative – If True, coordinates are relative to the last point.


Arguments width and offset can also be lists with one definition for each path.

If offset is a single number or tuple, it is treated as the distance between adjacent paths.

widths(u, from_below=True) numpy.ndarray

Calculate the width of this path.

  • u (number) – Where in the path to calculate the width. The value must be in the range 0 thru gdstk.RobustPath.size, inclusive.

  • from_below – If there is a discontinuity at u, use the value approaching from below.


The widths of each path at u.